Welcome to DecorATE!

I love food, I love Columbus, and I love eating in great restaurants. 

I get especially excited about eating good food in great environments. They say you eat with your eyes first, but that applies to more than just the food in my case.  There are simply beautiful spaces all over our fair city that deserve to be savored beyond the amazing food they serve.

On this blog,  I may talk about what I eat and what you can expect.  But generally I only eat in restaurants I enjoy, so you can take any (most) of my posts as endorsements of the restaurants themselves.

I'm only using my phone to take the pictures, and not some expensive camera that these interesting and beautiful spaces no doubt deserve.  Even the best photograph can't replace seeing something in person. So, if you like what you see, go check it out firsthand.

If you'd like to see me visit a favorite space of yours, drop me a line and I'd be happy to check it out. You know, in the name of research and all...



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